Contact information

Billing address

Refund policy:

Certification, once booked standalone, is non-refunadble.

This is because the certification programme contains content which is delivered digitally and is downloadable.

By ticking the box I declare that:

I understand and accept the refund policy.

I understand that I have up to one year from my original training date to complete certification WITHOUT having to repeat the oriinal training.

If I take longer, I can still complete certification but will have to attend another 16 hour live Havening Training (at a reduced cost for returners).

I understand that certification will be renewable annually and payable to Havening HQ at an annual fee of $99.

I understand that signing up to this training I am signing up for a professional training.

I understand that to complete this training successfully, professional conduct is a baseline requirement.

I understand that taking this training does not include any offer of/ access to/ or discounts on therapy services.

I understand that self care regarding my mental and physical health is my own responsibility and that if I feel in any way unwell I should contract a licensed therapist for self care purposes.

I understand that it is my responsibility to make sure I am licensed to provide the services I am training for and to provide said services responsibly and ethically.

I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Havening Training Certification (standalone)€499

  • Total payment
  • 1xHavening Training Certification (standalone)€499

All prices in EUR
